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Pintos Lab 用户进程

Posted on:2022.07.23


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Lab2: User Programs

在 Lab1 Alarm Clock 的基础上进行

File System


pintos-mkdisk filesys.dsk --filesys-size=2


pintos -- -f -q


pintos -p ../../examples/echo -a echo -- -q


pintos -- -q run 'echo PKUOS'


pintos --filesys-size=2 -p ../../examples/echo -a echo -- -f -q run 'echo PKUOS'


pintos -- -q ls
pintos -- -q cat echo
pintos -- -q rm echo

Memory Allocation

freed -> all of its bytes are cleared to 0xcc



以 Page allocator 为基础

其 API 与 malloc 等一致

Virtual Addresses

layout 如下

31 12 11 0
| Page Number | Offset |
Virtual Address



对于 uproc 而言,load 函数会通过 pagedir_create 创建用户地址空间,包含上面对应的内核恒等映射

并通过 load_segment 在用户地址空间添加 elf 文件中 PT_LOAD 段描述的地址空间,通常为代码段和数据段



目前不支持 stack growth

基于此,就可以实现 Task 3 的内容

核心是在 syscall_handler 中获得 uaddr 后,需要调用 pagedir_get_page 获取对应的物理地址

需要注意对 uaddr 的解引用可能超过一个 byte,也可能跨页


Argument Passing


A1: Copy here the declaration of each new or changed struct or struct member, global or static variable, typedef, or enumeration. Identify the purpose of each in 25 words or less.



A2: Briefly describe how you implemented argument parsing. How do you arrange for the elements of argv[] to be in the right order? How do you avoid overflowing the stack page?

start_process 中实现

其参数包含了整个 arguments

使用 strtok_r 解析 tokens

成功 load 之后初始化用户栈即可,可以参考


#define push_int(stack, val) \
do \
{ \
stack -= 4; \
*(uint32_t *)stack = (uint32_t)val; \
} \
while (0)


A3: Why does Pintos implement strtok_r() but not strtok()?

参考,可知 strtok 使用了全局变量,这在内核多线程的环境中是危险的

strtok_r 通过引入局部变量标识解析位置避免了这一点

A4: In Pintos, the kernel separates commands into a executable name and arguments. In Unix-like systems, the shell does this separation. Identify at least two advantages of the Unix approach.


pass tests/userprog/args-none
pass tests/userprog/args-single
pass tests/userprog/args-multiple
pass tests/userprog/args-many
pass tests/userprog/args-dbl-space
pass tests/userprog/sc-bad-sp
pass tests/userprog/sc-bad-arg
pass tests/userprog/sc-boundary
pass tests/userprog/sc-boundary-2
pass tests/userprog/sc-boundary-3
pass tests/userprog/halt
pass tests/userprog/exit
pass tests/userprog/bad-read
pass tests/userprog/bad-write
pass tests/userprog/bad-read2
pass tests/userprog/bad-write2
pass tests/userprog/bad-jump
pass tests/userprog/bad-jump2

System Calls

下面实现 execwait 系统调用

需要解引用 argv 的前 4 个字节得到 command 的虚拟地址,然后再将这个虚拟地址转换为物理地址

这里的难点在于得到虚拟地址后,由于不清楚 command 的长度,在转换为物理地址时就无法知道虚拟地址的结尾

目前的实现是只考虑前 2 个字节,从而能够通过 exec-bound-3

目前的实现是构造一个链表记录每次 exec 父子进程的 tid 以及子进程是否 exit 和 status

使用一个全局 lock 保护该数据结构

父进程 wait 时去链表中查找,然后不断 thread_yield 直到子进程 exit

start_process 中子进程开始时向链表中添加信息

子进程 exit 时更新信息,为此需要替换 thread_exitprocess_exit_helper,尤其是 exception.c 中 kill user exception

process_exit_helper 中还打印了 Process Termination Messages

需要注意信息应存放在堆区,若存放的子进程栈中,可能 wait 时栈已经被回收了

很 tricky 的一个地方

process_execute 中调用 thread_create 创建子进程后,若未调度到子进程执行,父进程就无法得知子进程在 start_process 中的 load 是否成功,因为 load 失败时,process_execute 应返回 TID_ERROR

所以应该使用信号量进行同步,父进程在 process_execute 返回前 P,子进程在 load 之后 V

所有信息通过 aux 参数传递


pass tests/userprog/exec-once
pass tests/userprog/exec-arg
pass tests/userprog/exec-bound
pass tests/userprog/exec-bound-2
pass tests/userprog/exec-bound-3
pass tests/userprog/exec-multiple
pass tests/userprog/exec-missing
pass tests/userprog/exec-bad-ptr
pass tests/userprog/wait-simple
pass tests/userprog/wait-twice
pass tests/userprog/wait-killed
pass tests/userprog/wait-bad-pid
pass tests/userprog/multi-recurse


由于文件系统的实现,在访问文件系统代码时,必须要获取一把全局的锁,注意 start_process 中的 load 也访问了文件系统


实验指南中指出,子进程不会继承父进程的文件描述符,并且多次打开同一个文件应返回不同的文件描述符,它们之间不会共享 offset,可以判断文件描述符和进程之间并非强耦合关系

于是类似上文,使用一个链表维护 tid / fd / file,信息同样存放在堆区

open 系统调用中,通过 filesys_open 获取到 file 后,向链表中添加信息

可以通过遍历的方式由 fd 获取到 file

close 系统调用中,向链表中删除信息,并调用 file_close 即可

注意每个进程 exit 时需要关闭其对应的全部文件描述符

另外在 readwrite 系统调用中有一个缓冲区参数,由于给出了 length,所以将虚拟地址转换为物理地址就没有问题了,注意转换时不必考虑是否可读可写,因为有 page fault handler 兜底




首先需要细究一下文件系统的实现,可以发现在 inode 之上,还有 file 这个数据结构做了进一步的抽象

struct file
struct inode *inode; /**< File's inode. */
off_t pos; /**< Current position. */
bool deny_write; /**< Has file_deny_write() been called? */

这个数据结构主要是维护文件 offsetdeny_write 两方面的属性

所以多次打开同一个文件,其内部的 inode 是一致的

而且注意到这里的 deny_write 并不是来直接控制是否拒绝写入的,实际上是由 inodedeny_write_cnt 来控制的,对于同一个文件的多个文件描述符,只要其中有一个 file_deny_write,对这些文件描述符都会拒绝写入

理解了原理后,实现就很简单了,只要在 load 成功后不关闭文件,调用 file_deny_write 并向链表中添加信息即可


B1: Copy here the declaration of each new or changed struct or struct member, global or static variable, typedef, or enumeration. Identify the purpose of each in 25 words or less.

除了上述引入的数据结构外,syscall handler 本身的实现并未引入额外的数据结构

B2: Describe how file descriptors are associated with open files. Are file descriptors unique within the entire OS or just within a single process?

一一对应关系,在 int 范围内,文件描述符在整个内核内是唯一的


B3: Describe your code for reading and writing user data from the kernel.


static void *
uaddr_to_paddr (const void *uaddr, int length)
// ignore writable checking
// ignore stack growth
if (!uaddr)
goto done;
if (!is_user_vaddr (uaddr))
goto done;
struct thread *t = thread_current ();
void *kaddr_st = pagedir_get_page (t->pagedir, uaddr);
if (!kaddr_st)
goto done;
void *kaddr_ed = pagedir_get_page (t->pagedir, uaddr + length - 1);
if (!kaddr_ed)
goto done;
return kaddr_st;
process_exit_helper (-1);

这里忽略了对可读可写的检查和潜在的用户栈跨页的情形,也就是说目前用户栈的大小只有 4 KB

再次强调,之所以需要进行这一步转换,是因为 syscall handler 是运行在内核态的,其 CR3 寄存器中只包含了内核恒等映射,而没有用户地址空间的映射

B4: Suppose a system call causes a full page (4,096 bytes) of data to be copied from user space into the kernel. What is the least and the greatest possible number of inspections of the page table (e.g. calls to pagedir_get_page()) that might result? What about for a system call that only copies 2 bytes of data? Is there room for improvement in these numbers, and how much?

考虑到潜在的跨页情形,最多需要调用 2 次 pagedir_get_page

实际上可以根据 kaddr_st 的 offset 来判断是否需要多一次调用,但上述算法并未实现

B5: Briefly describe your implementation of the “wait” system call and how it interacts with process termination.


B6: Any access to user program memory at a user-specified address can fail due to a bad pointer value. Such accesses must cause the process to be terminated. System calls are fraught with such accesses, e.g. a “write” system call requires reading the system call number from the user stack, then each of the call’s three arguments, then an arbitrary amount of user memory, and any of these can fail at any point. This poses a design and error-handling problem: how do you best avoid obscuring the primary function of code in a morass of error-handling? Furthermore, when an error is detected, how do you ensure that all temporarily allocated resources (locks, buffers, etc.) are freed? In a few paragraphs, describe the strategy or strategies you adopted for managing these issues. Give an example.



#define deref_argv(argv) *(uint32_t *)uaddr_to_paddr (argv, 4)
#define deref_argv_then_to_paddr(uaddr, length) \
uaddr_to_paddr ((const char *)deref_argv (uaddr), length)

大多数情形下,process_exit_helper 这个兜底函数可以释放掉用户进程的资源,但有一些例外


B7: The “exec” system call returns -1 if loading the new executable fails, so it cannot return before the new executable has completed loading. How does your code ensure this? How is the load success/failure status passed back to the thread that calls “exec”?


B8: Consider parent process P with child process C. How do you ensure proper synchronization and avoid race conditions when P calls wait(C) before C exits? After C exits? How do you ensure that all resources are freed in each case? How about when P terminates without waiting, before C exits? After C exits? Are there any special cases?




B9: Why did you choose to implement access to user memory from the kernel in the way that you did?


B10: What advantages or disadvantages can you see to your design for file descriptors?


B11: The default tid_t to pid_t mapping is the identity mapping. If you changed it, what advantages are there to your approach?

实现中 tid_tpid_t 一一对应



