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Pintos Lab 初体验

Posted on:2022.07.20


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$ systemctl restart docker
$ docker run -it pkuflyingpig/pintos bash

boot pintos

$ git clone
$ docker run -it --rm --name pintos --mount type=bind,source=/home/vgalaxy/Desktop/pintos,target=/home/PKUOS/pintos pkuflyingpig/pintos bash

code guide

build pintos

在每个 lab 的目录下构建

cd pintos/src/threads

注意 Make.vars 的使用

run pintos

一个工具 pintos

root@b00e4d9d168d:~/pintos/src/threads/build# which pintos


pintos option1 option2 ... -- arg1 arg2 ...
pintos -h

在 build 文件夹下使用

cd build
pintos --
pintos -- run alarm-multiple

键入 Ctrl + cCtrl + a + x 关闭 qemu


  1. First, You used docker to run a Ubuntu container that functions as a full-edged Linux OS inside your host OS.
  2. Then you used Qemu to simulate a 32-bit x86 computer inside your container.
  3. Finally, you boot a tiny toy OS — Pintos on the computer which Qemu simulates.


pintos --bochs -j 1 -- run alarm-multiple


pintos --bochs -r -- run alarm-multiple

默认的 QEMU 仅支持这个模式


make tests/threads/alarm-multiple.result



make check


pintos --gdb -- run alarm-multiple


docker exec -it pintos bash


使用另一个工具 pintos-gdb

cd pintos/src/threads/build
pintos-gdb kernel.o

在 gdb 中键入命令

target remote localhost:1234




Lab0: Getting Real


  1. threads/loader.S
  2. threads/start.S
  3. threads/init.c

Task 1: Booting Pintos

Exercise 1.1

Take screenshots of the successful booting of Pintos in QEMU and Bochs.

使用 qemu


使用 bochs


Task 2: Debugging

Exercise 2.1

Your first task in this section is to use GDB to trace the QEMU BIOS a bit to understand how an IA-32 compatible computer boots. Answer the following questions in your design document:

使用 gdb 调试



ljmp $0x3630,$0xf000e05b

位于 BIOS ROM 区,该部分的代码会寻找 bootable device,并加载前 512 字节到 0x7c00 位置


+------------------+ <- 0x00100000 (1MB)
+------------------+ <- 0x000F0000 (960KB)
+------------------+ <- 0x00007e00 (31.5KB)
| pintos loader |
+------------------+ <- 0x00007c00 (31KB)

Exercise 2.2

Trace the Pintos bootloader and answer the following questions in your design document:

参考 read_sector 例程

#### Sector read subroutine. Takes a drive number in DL (0x80 = hard
#### disk 0, 0x81 = hard disk 1, ...) and a sector number in EBX, and
#### reads the specified sector into memory at ES:0000. Returns with
#### carry set on error, clear otherwise. Preserves all
#### general-purpose registers.
sub %ax, %ax
push %ax # LBA sector number [48:63]
push %ax # LBA sector number [32:47]
push %ebx # LBA sector number [0:31]
push %es # Buffer segment
push %ax # Buffer offset (always 0)
push $1 # Number of sectors to read
push $16 # Packet size
mov $0x42, %ah # Extended read
mov %sp, %si # DS:SI -> packet
int $0x13 # Error code in CF
popa # Pop 16 bytes, preserve flags
ret # Error code still in CF

其中 int $0x13 触发 BIOS 中断

read_mbr 开始,先 read_sector,读取成功后,检查 MBR signature,然后检查是否为 unused partition / Pintos kernel partition / bootable partition,所有检查都通过后,才会 load_kernel

打印 Not found

# Didn't find a Pintos kernel partition anywhere, give up.
call puts
.string "\rNot found\r"
# Notify BIOS that boot failed. See [IntrList].
int $0x18

加载内核完成后,从 ELF header 中读取 start address,然后跳转

#### Transfer control to the kernel that we loaded. We read the start
#### address out of the ELF header (see [ELF1]) and convert it from a
#### 32-bit linear address into a 16:16 segment:offset address for
#### real mode, then jump to the converted address. The 80x86 doesn't
#### have an instruction to jump to an absolute segment:offset kept in
#### registers, so in fact we store the address in a temporary memory
#### location, then jump indirectly through that location. To save 4
#### bytes in the loader, we reuse 4 bytes of the loader's code for
#### this temporary pointer.
mov $0x2000, %ax
mov %ax, %es
mov %es:0x18, %dx
mov %dx, start
movw $0x2000, start + 2
ljmp *start


Pintos hda1

一些注意点,gdb 显示汇编,注意 dest 在后面

(gdb) x/6i 0x7c00
0x7c00: sub %eax,%eax
0x7c02: mov %eax,%ds
0x7c04: mov %eax,%ss
0x7c06: mov $0xf000,%sp
0x7c0a: add %al,(%eax)
0x7c0c: sub %edx,%edx

loader.asm 对应如下

sub %ax, %ax
7c00: 29 c0 sub %eax,%eax
mov %ax, %ds
7c02: 8e d8 mov %eax,%ds
mov %ax, %ss
7c04: 8e d0 mov %eax,%ss
mov $0xf000, %esp
7c06: 66 bc 00 f0 mov $0xf000,%sp
7c0a: 00 00 add %al,(%eax)
# Configure serial port so we can report progress without connected VGA.
# See [IntrList] for details.
sub %dx, %dx # Serial port 0.
7c0c: 29 d2 sub %edx,%edx

然而,loader.S 中没有 add %al,(%eax),在实际执行时会直接跳过

sub %ax, %ax
mov %ax, %ds
mov %ax, %ss
mov $0xf000, %esp
# Configure serial port so we can report progress without connected VGA.
# See [IntrList] for details.
sub %dx, %dx # Serial port 0.

Exercise 2.3

Trace the Pintos kernel and answer the following questions in your design document:

(gdb) p init_page_dir[pd_no(ptov(0))]
=> 0xc000efef: int3
=> 0xc000efef: int3
$8 = 0

what does the call stack look like?

(gdb) bt
#0 palloc_get_page (flags=(PAL_ASSERT | PAL_ZERO)) at ../../threads/palloc.c:113
#1 0xc00203aa in paging_init () at ../../threads/init.c:168
#2 0xc002031b in pintos_init () at ../../threads/init.c:100
#3 0xc002013d in start () at ../../threads/start.S:180

what is the return value in hexadecimal format?

(gdb) p palloc_get_multiple (flags, 1)
=> 0xc000ef7f: int3
$9 = (void *) 0xc0101000

what is the value of expression init_page_dir[pd_no(ptov(0))] in hexadecimal format?

(gdb) p init_page_dir[pd_no(ptov(0))]
=> 0xc000ef7f: int3
=> 0xc000ef7f: int3
$10 = 0

what does the call stack look like?

(gdb) bt
#0 palloc_get_page (flags=PAL_ZERO) at ../../threads/palloc.c:113
#1 0xc0020a81 in thread_create (name=0xc002e895 "idle", priority=0, function=0xc0020eb0 <idle>, aux=0xc000efbc) at ../../threads/thread.c:178
#2 0xc0020976 in thread_start () at ../../threads/thread.c:111
#3 0xc0020334 in pintos_init () at ../../threads/init.c:119
#4 0xc002013d in start () at ../../threads/start.S:180

what is the return value in hexadecimal format?

(gdb) p palloc_get_multiple (flags, 1)
=> 0xc000ef3f: int3
$11 = (void *) 0xc0104000

what is the value of expression init_page_dir[pd_no(ptov(0))] in hexadecimal format?

(gdb) p/x init_page_dir[pd_no(ptov(0))]
=> 0xc000ef3f: int3
=> 0xc000ef3f: int3
$13 = 0x103027

参考 学习 cgdb 的使用

Task 3: Kernel Monitor

Exercise 3.1

Enhance threads/init.c to implement a tiny kernel monitor in Pintos.



static void run_monitor (void) {
char input[64];
size_t count;
while (1) {
printf("PKUOS> ");
count = 0;
memset(input, 0, sizeof(input));
while (1) {
uint8_t key = input_getc();
input[count++] = key;
if (count == 64) { // overflow
if (key == '\r') { // not \n
if (!strcmp(input, "whoami\r")) {
} else if (!strcmp(input, "exit\r")) {
} else {
printf("invalid command\n");

似乎只能在 qemu 中愉快的运行,各模拟器对输入解读为 \r 还是 \n 似乎并不一致

Lab1: Threads


Run a Thread for the First Time

4 kB +---------------------------------+
| aux |
| function |
| eip (NULL) | kernel_thread_frame
| eip (to kernel_thread) | switch_entry_frame
| next |
| cur |
| eip (to switch_entry) |
| ebx |
| ebp |
| esi |
| edi | switch_threads_frame
| kernel stack |
| | |
| | |
| V |
| grows downward |
sizeof (struct thread) +---------------------------------+
| magic |
| : |
| : |
| name |
| status |
0 kB +---------------------------------+

以 idle 线程为例

static void
schedule (void)
struct thread *cur = running_thread ();
struct thread *next = next_thread_to_run ();
struct thread *prev = NULL;
ASSERT (intr_get_level () == INTR_OFF);
ASSERT (cur->status != THREAD_RUNNING);
ASSERT (is_thread (next));
if (cur != next)
prev = switch_threads (cur, next);
thread_schedule_tail (prev);

打印 curnext

(gdb) p *cur
$1 = {tid = 1, status = THREAD_BLOCKED, name = "main", '\000' <repeats 11 times>, stack = 0xc000f000 "'", priority = 31, allelem = {prev = 0xc0038218 <all_list>, next
= 0xc0103020}, elem = {prev = 0xc000efc0, next = 0xc000efc8}, magic = 3446325067}
(gdb) p *next
$2 = {tid = 2, status = THREAD_READY, name = "idle", '\000' <repeats 11 times>, stack = 0xc0103fd4 "", priority = 0, allelem = {prev = 0xc000e020, next = 0xc0038220 <
all_list+8>}, elem = {prev = 0xc0038208 <ready_list>, next = 0xc0038210 <ready_list+8>}, magic = 3446325067}

观察 thread_create 构造的 fake stack frames

(gdb) x/11wx 0xc0103fd4
0xc0103fd4: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0103fe4: 0xc00213d2 0x00000000 0x00000000 0xc0020fc7
0xc0103ff4: 0x00000000 0xc0020f95 0xc000efb

进入 switch_threads,push 保存寄存器

# Save caller's register state.
# Note that the SVR4 ABI allows us to destroy %eax, %ecx, %edx,
# but requires us to preserve %ebx, %ebp, %esi, %edi. See
# [SysV-ABI-386] pages 3-11 and 3-12 for details.
# This stack frame must match the one set up by thread_create()
# in size.
pushl %ebx
pushl %ebp
pushl %esi
pushl %edi

此时 esp 为 0xc000ef2c

(gdb) p $esp
$8 = (void *) 0xc000ef2c

然后切换 stack pointer

# Get offsetof (struct thread, stack).
.globl thread_stack_ofs
mov thread_stack_ofs, %edx
# Save current stack pointer to old thread's stack, if any.
movl SWITCH_CUR(%esp), %eax
movl %esp, (%eax,%edx,1)
# Restore stack pointer from new thread's stack.
movl SWITCH_NEXT(%esp), %ecx
movl (%ecx,%edx,1), %esp

thread_stack_ofs 为 24


0xc000ef2c + 20 = 0xc000ef40

(gdb) x/wx 0xc000ef40
0xc000ef40: 0xc000e000

0xc000e000 即为 cur 的栈底

将 esp 寄存器的值存入 0xc000e000 + 24

自然语言描述为,从 switch_threads_frame 中读取 cur,并将 esp 寄存器的值存入 curstack

同理,接下来从 switch_threads_frame 中读取 next,并将 esp 寄存器的值设置为 nextstack,即 0xc0103fd4


popl %edi
popl %esi
popl %ebp
popl %ebx

pop 恢复寄存器后 ret,返回到 switch_entry

# Discard switch_threads() arguments.
addl $8, %esp
# Call thread_schedule_tail(prev).
pushl %eax
.globl thread_schedule_tail
call thread_schedule_tail
addl $4, %esp
# Start thread proper.

addl 后 esp 为 0xc0103ff0,eax 为 0xc000e000,即 prev (之前的 cur) 的栈底

然后调用 thread_schedule_tail,设置线程状态,并开始新的时间片

addl 后 esp 仍为 0xc0103ff0

然后 ret,返回到 kernel_thread,此处第一个参数和第二个参数正好为 functionaux

IA-32 通过栈传递函数参数

比较 tricky 的地方在于,之后的栈切换 pop 恢复寄存器后,ret 会回到 schedule 而非 switch_entry,然后调用 thread_schedule_tail


(gdb) p *cur
$20 = {tid = 2, status = THREAD_BLOCKED, name = "idle", '\000' <repeats 11 times>, stack = 0xc0103fd4 "\004\020\002\300\274\357", priority = 0, allelem = {prev = 0xc0
00e020, next = 0xc0038220 <all_list+8>}, elem = {prev = 0xc0038208 <ready_list>, next = 0xc0038210 <ready_list+8>}, magic = 3446325067}
(gdb) p *next
$21 = {tid = 1, status = THREAD_READY, name = "main", '\000' <repeats 11 times>, stack = 0xc000ef2c "", priority = 31, allelem = {prev = 0xc0038218 <all_list>, next =
0xc0103020}, elem = {prev = 0xc0038208 <ready_list>, next = 0xc0038210 <ready_list+8>}, magic = 3446325067}

切换回 main 线程,代表 idle 线程创建完毕,thread_start 结束,pintos_init 会继续执行


Interrupt Handling



使用内核链表时,其内部需要有 list_elem 成员

struct foo
struct list_elem elem;
int bar;
// ...other members...
struct list foo_list;
list_init (&foo_list);
struct list_elem *e;
for (e = list_begin (&foo_list); e != list_end (&foo_list);
e = list_next (e))
struct foo *f = list_entry (e, struct foo, elem);
// something with f...

关键在于 list_entry

#define list_entry(LIST_ELEM, STRUCT, MEMBER) \
((STRUCT *) ((uint8_t *) &(LIST_ELEM)->next \
- offsetof (STRUCT,

&(LIST_ELEM)->next 得到 list_elem->next 的地址,然后减去其偏移即可




可以有多个 list_elem 成员,可以想象 list_elem 成员就像结构体平面上的一些针孔,通过不同针孔list 就可以通过不同的方式将多个结构体起来,这就是内核链表的原理

Alarm Clock


A1: Copy here the declaration of each new or changed struct or struct member, global or static variable, typedef, or enumeration. Identify the purpose of each in 25 words or less.

在 thread 结构体中添加成员

int64_t ticks;
struct semaphore tick_sema;

ticks 初始化为 -1,在 timer_sleep 中设置为 now + ticks

tick_sema 用于唤醒线程


A2: Briefly describe what happens in a call to timer_sleep(), including the effects of the timer interrupt handler.

ticks >= 1,则设置 ticks,并 P(&tick_sema)

timer interrupt handler 调用 thread_tick,其中会获取当前 ticks,并通过 thread_foreach 试图唤醒满足条件的 THREAD_BLOCKED 的线程

注意到只有 timer interrupt handler 会修改当前 ticks

A3: What steps are taken to minimize the amount of time spent in the timer interrupt handler?

由于需要遍历 all_list,当线程数量较多时可能会寄


A4: How are race conditions avoided when multiple threads call timer_sleep() simultaneously?

由于 timer_sleep 中不存在对共享变量的访问,所以不会出现数据竞争

A5: How are race conditions avoided when a timer interrupt occurs during a call to timer_sleep()?

理由同上,另外 timer_sleep 调用了 sema_down,其中会关闭中断,所以不会出现线程状态不一致的情形


A6: Why did you choose this design? In what ways is it superior to another design you considered?

实现相当简单,但会影响 timer interrupt handler 的性能

由于 timer interrupt 为外部中断,handler 运行时中断是关闭的,并且似乎 pintos 没有支持多处理器,所以在同一时刻只会有一份 timer interrupt handler 的代码运行,于是就可以安全的遍历 all_list

Priority Scheduling

thread_unblock / thread_yield / next_thread_to_run (schedule) 会修改 ready_list

使用 list_insert_ordered 按照 priority 大小插入

注意 less 函数中应使用 > 而非 >=,否则对于相同 priority 的线程会出现饥饿,然后 alarm-simultaneous 就无法通过

下面考虑 immediately yield 的问题,分为两种情形

例如显式设置 priority 或 create thread,这时只要检查 ready_list 的 head 是否拥有更高的 priority,若是则 thread_yield 即可

如某些高优先级线程在 thread_tick 中被唤醒,仍然是相同的检查,然后 intr_yield_on_return 即可

然后是 lock, semaphore 和 condition variable 唤醒的优先级问题

按照 priority 大小插入 sema->waiters 即可

然后唤醒时仍然是相同的检查,注意在 process context 和 interrupt context 中均可能调用 V,所以需要分情况 yield

由于 lock 是由 semaphore 实现的,所以不必修改什么

条件变量的实现有点反常,其内部是一个 waiters 的 list

然后 cond_wait 的内部有一个 semaphore_elem 类型的局部变量,其中包含 list_elemsemaphore 成员

实际插入 list 的是 semaphore_elemlist_elem,而非 threadlist_elem,所以需要在 semaphore_elem 中添加 priority 成员,并修改 less 函数

调用 cond_wait 时线程需要持有相应的 lock,插入后释放锁,并 P 那个 semaphore 成员

cond_signal 就是取出 waiters list 的 head,然后 V 那个 semaphore 成员

在 priority-condvar 的测试中,优先级最低的主线程首次 cond_signal,会唤醒优先级最高的线程,此时该线程会重新试图获取锁,然而主线程并未释放锁,所以该线程会主动 thread_block 让其余线程优先运行,此时若存在中间优先级的线程,就会产生优先级翻转的问题

由于 list_entry 宏在编译中没了,调试信息中没有这个符号,打印 ready_list 的第一个线程需要

p *((struct thread *) ((uint8_t *) ready_list->head->next - offset))


pass tests/threads/alarm-single
pass tests/threads/alarm-multiple
pass tests/threads/alarm-simultaneous
pass tests/threads/alarm-priority
pass tests/threads/alarm-zero
pass tests/threads/alarm-negative
pass tests/threads/priority-change
pass tests/threads/priority-fifo
pass tests/threads/priority-preempt
pass tests/threads/priority-sema
pass tests/threads/priority-condvar


研究一下测试用例,可以发现优先级捐赠的核心在于,某个高优先级线程因为某个 lock 而向某个低优先级线程捐赠优先级

对于低优先级线程而言,可能存在多个高优先级线程因为同一个 lock 而捐赠优先级 (priority-donate-one),也可能存在多个高优先级线程因为不同的 lock 而捐赠优先级 (priority-donate-multiple)


struct donated_priority {
struct lock* lock;
int priority;
struct thread* donator;
struct donated_priority priority_chains[8];
int priority_depth;

初始时 priority_depth 为 0,称为 base priority,此时无视 donated_priority 结构中的 lockdonator 成员

这样做是为了统一为对 priority_chains 的操作

通过 thread_set_priority 设置优先级时只需设置 base priority 即可

而对于下标 >= 1 的情形,最初的实现是只有 priority 成员,但这样低优先级线程就只能获得高优先级线程在捐赠时的优先级,若高优先级线程在捐赠后因为嵌套的优先级捐赠而提升了优先级,是无法通知低优先级线程的,所以引入了 donator 成员,弃用 priority 成员

实际上可以实现为 enum

priority_chains 数组大小代表该线程最多可以从 8 个 lock 中获得捐赠的优先级

实际上该实现存在一些问题,例如当多个高优先级线程因为同一个 lock 而捐赠优先级时,donator 成员只会记录在捐赠时优先级最高的线程,若其余高优先级线程在捐赠后优先级提升,同样无法通知低优先级线程,所以应该将 donator 字段设置为一个数组,不过测试用例中没有测,而且会增加实现复杂性,就算了吧


get_priority_helper (struct thread *t)
int res = t->priority_chains[0].priority;
if (t->priority_depth == 0)
return res;
for (int i = 1; i <= t->priority_depth; ++i)
int curr = get_priority_helper (t->priority_chains[i].donator);
if (res < curr)
res = curr;
return res;


然后只需在 lock_acquirelock_release 中维护上述数据结构即可

暂未考虑 lock_try_acquire

另外,由于此时线程的优先级并不固定,所以不必按照 priority 大小插入,而是在 pop 时选择优先级最高的线程即可

注意应使用 list_min 获取优先级最高的线程


pass tests/threads/priority-donate-one
pass tests/threads/priority-donate-multiple
pass tests/threads/priority-donate-multiple2
pass tests/threads/priority-donate-nest
pass tests/threads/priority-donate-sema
pass tests/threads/priority-donate-lower
pass tests/threads/priority-donate-chain


B1: Copy here the declaration of each new or changed struct or struct member, global or static variable, typedef, or enumeration. Identify the purpose of each in 25 words or less.


B2: Explain the data structure used to track priority donation. Use ASCII art to diagram a nested donation. (Alternately, submit a .png file.)




B3: How do you ensure that the highest priority thread waiting for a lock, semaphore, or condition variable wakes up first?

在 pop 时选择优先级最高的线程即可

B4: Describe the sequence of events when a call to lock_acquire() causes a priority donation. How is nested donation handled?


low (base) priority thread -> lock_acquire
high (base) priority thread -> lock_acquire
note that the lock acquired by low priority thread
if the priority of low priority thread < the priority of high priority thread
if other high priority thread donate priority due to the lock
update priority donation and donator (imprecise)
open up new space for priority chains

B5: Describe the sequence of events when lock_release() is called on a lock that a higher-priority thread is waiting for.


low (base) priority thread -> lock_acquire
high (base) priority thread -> lock_acquire
low (base) priority thread -> lock_release
scan priority chains to find the corresponding lock
if success
delete the donation info and resize the priority chains
do nothing


B6: Describe a potential race in thread_set_priority() and explain how your implementation avoids it. Can you use a lock to avoid this race?

首先框架代码中并未直接调用 thread_set_priority,只有测试代码会调用

可能出现的数据竞争,某个线程在 get priority 的过程中,另一个线程调用了 thread_set_priority,使得 get 的 priority 不准确

实现中并未考虑这一点,因为只要不发生交错,在未来的某一时候总能 get 到准确的 priority

不能使用 lock 避免该数据竞争,因为 lock 需要获取 priority 信息,带来了复杂性


B7: Why did you choose this design? In what ways is it superior to another design you considered?


Advanced Scheduler


C1: Copy here the declaration of each new or changed struct or struct member, global or static variable, typedef, or enumeration. Identify the purpose of each in 25 words or less.


int recent_cpu;
int niceness;

其中 recent_cpu 为定点浮点数

添加全局变量 load_avg,为定点浮点数


C2: How is the way you divided the cost of scheduling between code inside and outside interrupt context likely to affect performance?

当开启 thread_mlfqs 时,视线程的优先级为 t->priority_chains[0].priority

同时修改 priority donation 相应的逻辑,如获取线程优先级和 lock 的部分

初始化的部分,注意调用 thread_create 的线程,即 thread_current,就是新线程的 parent,同时需要特判 main 线程

对于数值的更新,全部在 thread_tick 中进行,时序如下

  1. wakeup 遍历中统计 ready_threads
  2. 若为 sec_edge,则更新 load_avg
  3. 若为 four_ticks_edge,则通过 recalculation 遍历
    1. 其中判断是否为 sec_edge 从而更新 recent_cpu
    2. 更新 priority


C3: Briefly critique your design, pointing out advantages and disadvantages in your design choices. If you were to have extra time to work on this part of the project, how might you choose to refine or improve your design?

如何将数值的更新在 timer interrupt handler 之外完成

C4: The assignment explains arithmetic for fixed-point math in detail, but it leaves it open to you to implement it. Why did you decide to implement it the way you did? If you created an abstraction layer for fixed-point math, that is, an abstract data type and/or a set of functions or macros to manipulate fixed-point numbers, why did you do so? If not, why not?

以宏的方式实现,只使用头文件无需修改 Makefile








使用 qemu 则可以通过

